nedjelja, 26. kolovoza 2007.

United States

Bank regulation in the United States is highly fragmented compared to other G10 countries where most countries have only one bank regulator. In the U.S., banking is regulated at both the federal and state level. Depending on a banking organization's charter-type and organizational structure, it may be subject to numerous federal and state banking regulators. Unlike Japan and the United Kingdom, where regulatory authority over the banking, securities and insurance industries is combined into one single financial services agency, the U.S. maintains separate securities, commodities, and insurance regulatory agencies (which are separate from the bank regulatory agencies) at the federal and state level as well.
lending, and promoting lending to lower-income segments. Even individual cities enact their own financial regulation laws (for example, for The U.S also has one of the most highly regulated banking environments in the world; however, many of the regulations are not safety and soundness related, but are instead focused on privacy, disclosure, fraud prevention, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism, anti-usuryusury lending)

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